Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ear Bud Earrings

This craft was inspired by one I found on The original can be found here. For my version, you will need a pair of old earbuds that you don't want anymore, scissors, xacto knife, two hook earrings, and hot glue. I started by cutting the buds off, leaving a little of the excess wire on them. Using the xacto knife, I carefully--and I can't emphasize enough how carefully--opened up some of the white casing, exposing the copper wire underneath. Once I had a suitible length of wire exposed, I cut off the slit casing. I then threaded the wire of one earbud through the opening at the bottom of one of the hook earrings. I pulled the wire through and down, twisting it around the otherside. I then secured it in place with a dab of hot glue. I did the same for the other bud.

Comments are appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. I love these. :D I'll have to save my next pair of broken earbuds...unless they're crushed in an unfortunate vacationing accident...
